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Department of Computer Science

Research projects

Find a postgraduate research project in your area of interest by exploring the research projects that we offer in the Department of Computer Science.

We have a broad range of research projects for which we are seeking doctoral students. Browse the list of projects on this page or follow the links below to find information on doctoral training opportunities, or applying for a postgraduate research programme.

Alternatively, if you would like to propose your own project then please include a research project proposal and the name of a possible supervisor with your application.

Available projects

Future computing systems projects

Human centred computing projects

Artificial intelligence projects

Software and e-infrastructure projects

Theory and foundations projects

James Elson projects

Data science projects

Sophia Ananiadou projects

Mauricio Alvarez projects

Richard Banach projects

Riza Batista-navarro projects

Ke Chen projects

Sarah Clinch projects

Emily Collins projects

Angelo Cangelosi projects

Jiaoyan Chen projects

Lucas Cordeiro projects

Louise Dennis projects

Clare Dixon projects

Suzanne Embury projects

Marie Farrell projects

Alejandro Frangi projects

Andre Freitas projects

Michael Fisher projects

Gareth Henshall projects

Simon Harper projects

Caroline Jay projects

Samuel Kaski projects

Dirk Koch projects

Konstantin Korovin projects

Kung-kiu Lau projects

Zahra Montazeri projects

Christoforos Moutafis projects

Tingting Mu projects

Anirbit Mukherjee projects

Mustafa Mustafa projects

Goran Nenadic projects

Paul Nutter projects

Nhung Nguyen projects

Pierre Olivier projects

Norman Paton projects

Vasilis Pavlidis projects

Pavlos Petoumenos projects

Steve Pettifer projects

Oliver Rhodes projects

Giles Reger projects

Rizos Sakellariou projects

Uli Sattler projects

Andrea Schalk projects

Renate Schmidt projects

Mingfei Sun projects

Sandra Sampaio projects

Viktor Schlegel projects

Stian Soiland-reyes projects

    Youcheng Sun projects

    Tom Thomson projects

    Junichi Tsujii projects

    Markel Vigo projects

    Ning Zhang projects

    Liping Zhao projects