Academic and research staff (A-Z)
Browse our professors, lecturers and researchers.
Academic staff
Area of expertise
Name: Mauricio AlvarezRole: Senior LecturerArea of expertise: Machine learning and robotics
Name: Sophia AnaniadouRole: ProfessorArea of expertise: Natural language processing and text mining
Name: Richard BanachRole: Senior LecturerArea of expertise: Systems and software security
Name: Ainur BegalinovaRole: LecturerArea of expertise: Teaching
Role: Senior LecturerArea of expertise: Natural language processing and text mining
Name: Sean BechhoferRole: Reader in Computer Science, Director of Teaching and LearningArea of expertise: Teaching
Name: Davide BertozziRole: ReaderArea of expertise: Advanced processor technologies
Name: Stewart BlakewayRole: LecturerArea of expertise: Teaching
Name: Andrew BrassRole: ProfessorArea of expertise: Human computer systems
Name: Gavin BrownRole: ProfessorArea of expertise: Machine learning and robotics
Name: Angelo CangelosiRole: Professor, Deputy Director of ResearchArea of expertise: Machine learning and robotics
Name: Michele CaprioRole: LecturerArea of expertise: Machine learning and robotics
Name: Tom CarrollRole: LecturerArea of expertise: Teaching
Name: Jiaoyan ChenRole: LecturerArea of expertise: Information management
Name: Ke ChenRole: Senior LecturerArea of expertise: Machine learning and robotics
Name: Sarah ClinchRole: Senior LecturerArea of expertise: Human computer systems
Name: Lucas CordeiroRole: Reader, Director of the ARM Center of ExcellenceArea of expertise: Systems and software security
Name: Emily CollinsRole: Dame Kathleen Ollerenshaw FellowArea of expertise: Autonomy and verification
Name: Alex CreswellRole: Chair in Digital And Artificial IntelligenceArea of expertise: Systems and software security
Name: Louise DennisRole: ReaderArea of expertise: Autonomy and verification
Name: Clare DixonRole: School of Engineering Deputy Head of Research and Computer Science Research LeadArea of expertise: Autonomy and verification
Name: Daniel DresnerRole: ProfessorArea of expertise: Systems and software security
Name: Suzanne EmburyRole: ReaderArea of expertise: Information management
Name: Marie FarrellRole: Royal Academy of Engineering FellowArea of expertise: Autonomy and verification
Name: Michael FisherRole: Professor, Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Emerging TechnologiesArea of expertise: Autonomy and verification
Name: Alejandro FrangiRole: Professor, Bicentennial Turing Chair in Computational Medicine, Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Emerging Technologies, Director of the Christabel Pankhurst Institute.Area of expertise: Machine learning and robotics
Name: Andre FreitasRole: Senior LecturerArea of expertise: Information management
Name: Aphrodite GalataRole: LecturerArea of expertise: Human computer systems
Name: James GarsideRole: Senior LecturerArea of expertise: Advanced processor technologies
Name: Carole GobleRole: ProfessorArea of expertise: Information management
Name: John GoodacreRole: ProfessorArea of expertise: Advanced processor technologies
Name: Simon HarperRole: Director of PGRArea of expertise: Human computer systems
Name: Jason HartfordRole: Dame Kathleen Ollerenshaw FellowArea of expertise: Machine learning and robotics
Name: Gareth HenshallRole: LecturerArea of expertise: Teaching
Name: Duncan HullRole: LecturerArea of expertise: Teaching
Name: Caroline JayRole: Professor of Computer Science, Head of Research in the School of EngineeringArea of expertise: Human computer systems
Name: Sami KaskiRole: Professor of Artificial IntelligenceArea of expertise: Machine learning and robotics
Name: John KeaneRole: Professor, Director of Business EngagementArea of expertise: Machine learning and robotics
Name: Dirk KochRole: ReaderArea of expertise: Advanced processor technologies
Name: Konstantin KorovinRole: ReaderArea of expertise: Formal methods
Role: ReaderArea of expertise: Advanced processor technologies
Name: Kung-Kiu LauRole: Senior LecturerArea of expertise: Information management
Name: Chenghua LinRole: ProfessorArea of expertise: Natural language processing and text mining
Name: Francisco LoboRole: LecturerArea of expertise: Teaching
Name: Mikel LujanRole: Professor (RAEng Chair)Area of expertise: Advanced processor technologies
Name: Bernardo MagriRole: Senior LecturerArea of expertise: Systems and software security
Name: Edoardo ManinoRole: LecturerArea of expertise: Systems and software security
Name: Zahra MontazeriRole: LecturerArea of expertise: Human computer systems
Name: Terence MorleyRole: LecturerArea of expertise: Teaching
Name: Tim MorrisRole: Senior LecturerArea of expertise: Human computer systems
Name: Christoforos MoutafisRole: Senior LecturerArea of expertise: Nano-engineering and spintronic technologies
Name: Tingting MuRole: Senior LecturerArea of expertise: Machine learning and robotics
Name: Anirbit MukherjeeRole: Lecturer in Machine LearningArea of expertise: Machine learning and robotics
Name: Mustafa MustafaRole: Senior Lecturer, Lead of Trusted Digital Systems clusterArea of expertise: Systems and software security
Name: Goran NenadicRole: ProfessorArea of expertise: Natural language processing and text mining
Name: Wei PanRole: Senior LecturerArea of expertise: Machine Learning and Robotics
Name: Paul NutterRole: Reader, Director of Undergraduate StudiesArea of expertise: Nano-engineering and spintronic technologies
Name: Pierre OlivierRole: Senior LecturerArea of expertise: Advanced processor technologies
Name: Bijan ParsiaRole: ProfessorArea of expertise: Information management
Name: Norman PatonRole: ProfessorArea of expertise: Information management
Name: Vasileios PavlidisRole: Senior LecturerArea of expertise: Advanced processor technologies
Name: Luca PeresRole: LecturerArea of expertise: Advanced processor technologies
Name: Pavlos PetoumenosRole: LecturerArea of expertise: Advanced processor technologies
Name: David PetrescuRole: LecturerArea of expertise: Teaching
Name: Stephen PettiferRole: Professor, Director of Teaching Strategy, Associate Dean for TeachingArea of expertise: Human computer systems
Name: Ian Pratt-HartmannRole: Senior LecturerArea of expertise: Formal methods
Name: Joseph RazaviRole: LecturerArea of expertise: Teaching
Name: Giles RegerRole: Senior LecturerArea of expertise: Formal methods
Name: Oliver RhodesRole: Senior LecturerArea of expertise: Advanced processor technologies
Name: Omar RivasplataRole: Senior LecturerArea of expertise: Machine learning and robotics
Name: Mara Ruta-StrungaruRole: LecturerArea of expertise: Nano-engineering and spintronic technologies
Name: Rizos SakellariouRole: ProfessorArea of expertise: Information management
Name: Sandra SampaioRole: LecturerArea of expertise: Information management
Name: Uli SattlerRole: Professor, Deputy Head of DepartmentArea of expertise: Information management
Name: Andrea SchalkRole: Senior LecturerArea of expertise: Formal methods
Name: Renate SchmidtRole: ReaderArea of expertise: Formal methods
Name: Jonathan ShapiroRole: ReaderArea of expertise: Machine learning and robotics
Name: Gaven SmithRole: ProfessorArea of expertise: Systems and software security
Name: Stian Soiland-ReyesRole: Senior LecturerArea of expertise: Information management
Name: Andrew StewartRole: Head of Department
Name: Robert StevensRole: ProfessorArea of expertise: Human computer systems
Name: Jingyuan Sun (J)Role: LecturerArea of expertise: Natural language processing and text mining
Name: Mingfei SunRole: LecturerArea of expertise: Machine learning and robotics
Name: Youcheng SunRole: LecturerArea of expertise: Systems and software security
Name: Chris TaylorRole: Professor, Associate VP Digital Strategy and InnovationArea of expertise: Machine learning and robotics
Name: Thomas ThomsonRole: ProfessorArea of expertise: Nano-engineering and spintronic technologies
Name: Junichi TsujiiRole: Professor, Scientific Advisor of NaCTeMArea of expertise: Natural language processing and text mining
Name: Markel VigoRole: ReaderArea of expertise: Human computer systems
Name: Andrei VoronkovRole: ProfessorArea of expertise: Formal methods
Name: Xiao-Jun ZengRole: Professor of Machine LearningArea of expertise: Machine learning and robotics
Name: Ning ZhangRole: Senior LecturerArea of expertise: Information management
Name: Liping ZhaoRole: Senior LecturerArea of expertise: Information management
Name: Philip ZhaoRole: Senior LecturerArea of expertise: Robotics, Control, Communications & AI
Name: Hongpeng ZhouRole: Dame Kathleen Ollerenshaw FellowArea of expertise: Machine learning and robotics
Emeritus and honorary staff
Area of expertise
Name: Howard BarringerRole: Emeritus ProfessorArea of expertise: Formal methods
Name: Barry CheethamRole: Honorary Senior LecturerArea of expertise: Advanced processor technologies
Name: Graham GoughRole: Honorary Senior Lecturer
Name: John GurdRole: Emeritus ProfessorArea of expertise: Advanced processor technologies
Name: Steve FurberRole: Emeritus ProfessorArea of expertise: Advanced processor technologies
Name: Toby HowardRole: Honorary Reader
Name: Roger HubboldRole: Emeritus Professor
Name: Jock McNaughtRole: Honorary LecturerArea of expertise: Natural language processing and text mining
Name: Jim MilesRole: Emeritus ProfessorArea of expertise: Nano-engineering and spintronic technologies
Name: Allan RamseyRole: Emeritus ProfessorArea of expertise: Machine learning and robotics
Name: Alasdair RawsthorneRole: Emeritus ProfessorArea of expertise: Advanced processor technologies
Name: Alan RectorRole: Emeritus ProfessorArea of expertise: Information management
Name: Ian WatsonRole: Emeritus ProfessorArea of expertise: Advanced processor technologies
Name: Mary McGee WoodRole: Honorary LecturerArea of expertise: Human computer systems